суббота, 26 декабря 2015 г.

The owl of Minerva begins its flight only at dusk".

Minerva, in Greek mythology Athena the goddess of wisdom. And her faithful companions – the snake and the owl. Coming, for example, in the Pushkin Museum we can see them next to Minerva.
The owl was the symbol of wisdom. Remember, our beloved elite club of experts "What? Where? When?" is a live owl as its symbol.
Unfortunately, philosophical wisdom, as, indeed, any other, is often late and comes too late. At the time, the aphorism about the Owl of Minerva has caused much rumours. The words "gray on gray" woefully acted on young disciples of Hegel. And one of them decided to add the famous saying of the teacher as follows: "But philosophy is also the pre-dawn crowing of the cock announcing the new youth of the world".
The teacher had not objected to such amendment.
Maybe when the Owl of Minerva will cease for us to be offended and will forgive our lack of attention to her, she surprisingly I'll break out the pre-dawn crowing of the cock, heralds the youth of the world, and the spirits of darkness and ignorance will no longer be naughty and confuse young minds.
In the meantime, to finally make peace with the wise hostess of our philosophical Museum will finally remember another aphorism of the king of philosophers, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel...

”Here in the sphere of the spirit flow river of forgetfulness, from which Psyche drinks, she immerses them in their pain; it softened, turning into dreams, grim ghosts of life and, illumined by the light, become the outline of a shining eternity."

среда, 23 декабря 2015 г.

The origin of the space underlying its formation and development

The dynamics of Yin and Yang have been subject to even such serious things as the throne. The Emperor of China was succeeded by the son, and the Minister. And the Minister was a member of the Imperial family by the female line. And when the life of the king his rights were limited. To old age, the Minister was dethroned a king and took his place. And he, in turn, shifted the grown son of the king - the continuer of the male line. When the son arose, the new Minister of natural female line and so on. So here, in such a serious state matter as the succession was achieved by the interaction of the Yin and Yang principles.
The beginning of Yin and Yang determine the age of the bride and groom. For example, a man marries at the age of thirty, a woman married at twenty. Why? Because the number of Yang, symbolizing man Even, and the number of Yin - odd.
And again begins high philosophy. Twenty and thirty years to a total of fifty. And the number "fifty" in Chinese philosophy and corresponds to the number Great Limit and great Enlargement, from which arise the Ten thousand things, i.e. the whole world. This number is the source, of the origin of the space underlying its formation and development.
Consequently, the change of seasons and the arrival of the New Year is also subordinated to the dynamics of two great started from the draconian mysterious scroll.
We are always wondering whose will be the coming year, horse, cat or rabbit, as for the ancient sage is the most important thing is to keep the harmony of Yin and Yang, in order not to break the universe.
From this point of view, it is preferable, for example, for the year of the tiger was the year of the hare, after all, the tiger meets strangely enough, the beginning of eternal Yin and Bunny - Feb. Rabbit comes after tiger because he is smaller and truslivee, but sometimes a Scythe can compete with the King of the Jungle in bravery and sacrifice, just like Bunny competes with a wolf in Russian fairy tales.
In the East of the hare like to tell the following Buddhist legend.

In one of his previous lives the great Buddha suffered from hunger. And here to feed the Enlightened one brave rabbit threw himself into the fire. That the Buddha sent his soul to the moon. There, under the shade of acacia, selfless hare tolet in a mortar magic potions and adds them to the elixir of immortality. So in some areas of China people call the film "doctor", or "moon doctor". About the hare tell that he lives to a thousand years old and that in old age becoming white.

Let the New Year exploring the philosophical Museum began from the eternal universe will be born again ten thousand things, and, as they say in the East, let a hundred flowers bloom.

Success and requires climbing a new peak

Why no one feels pleasure continuously? Maybe people "get tired" of happiness? Just a man accustomed to his achievements, success and requires climbing a new peak, there is a need for deeper experiences, different self-affirmation and spiritual enrichment, which disappears without a sense of fullness of being. (L. A. Popov Ethics. A course of lectures. - M., 1998. - P. 79). Besides, nothing human is capable of continuous operation. No wonder Aristotle associated the pleasure with the activity.
"Pleasure is not continuous, for it accompanies activity. Some things I enjoy, while Nova, and then not, and for the same reason, the first thought is passionate and intensely active in, for example, when the faces, but after the activity is not so strained, on the contrary, she is often careless, but because they fade and pleasure.
It can be assumed that all strive for pleasure for the same reason all are drawn to life, because life is a kind of activity, and each operates in such areas and in such ways, what he especially Luba; for example, the musician works by hearing the tunes, curious - thought in the objects of speculation, and among others to behave towards each. Pleasure gives the perfection of the operations, and hence of life itself, to which all aspire. Therefore, it is clear that and are drawn to pleasure, for everyone it makes life complete". (Aristotle. Vol. in 4 vols. Vol. 4. - M., 1984. - S. 275).
However, most of those people who brings happiness to pleasure, thanks to common sense understand that happiness in special treats: long associated with the serenity and joy of life. Therefore, many devote their entire lives to the search for increasingly refined pleasures, trying to prolong an illusory happiness in this way.